Island Hands Across the Atlantic

This project is a collection of different stories from islanders across the Atlantic. It focuses on young people and their exchanges in learning about the heritage and environment of each other’s islands. The youths work together through film, drama, music, and photography to exchange narratives and ideas about their island heritage. Through these reflective activities, youths strengthen their identity and individualities, gain skills, and create fun friendships.

The maps below give an overview of the stories recorded on both islands. Click on the different locations and discover stories along the way.

During the course of this project, the youths will participate in various online events which bring them closer to their island friends across the Atlantic. Information about future events can be found here.

This project is part-funded by the Association of Independent Museums and the National Lottery Heritage Fund and is in collaboration with Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath (North Uist Historical Society), the Barbados Museum & Historical Society, and Open Virtual Worlds, a research group within the University of St Andrews.

Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath

The North Uist Historical Society, or in its Gaelic name, Comann Eachdraidh Uibhist a Tuath (CEUT), is a historical society in North Uist, Scotland that promotes the cultural heritage of North Uist. Every year, they organise an exhibition at Taigh Chearsabhagh’s museum and several displays which highlight their growing community collection of photographs, music, and artefacts that reflect North Uist’s social history. They also organise events that increase access to their collections, whilst promoting the Gaelic language, customs, and traditions.

The Scioba Fheasgar Dhiluain is a group within CEUT compromised of teenagers with an interest in film. They meet weekly to create films about matters influential in their life, including their unique North Uist island heritage. More information about CEUT and their work can be found here.

The gallery below shows all videos and stories that retell some of North Uist’s heritage. Many of these have been created by the students of Scioba Fheasgar Dhiluain. The landscape is often featured as the main character in these stories as there are many important sites across the island. To learn more about the stories of North Uist, click here.

Barbados Museum & Historical Society

The historical society at the Barbados Museum was established in 1933 in the old Military Prison at the Garrison. The society preserves over 500,000 artefacts that depict the island’s rich cultural and natural history. These range from photographs and rare books to maps and paintings. The society works in the Barbadian community to create discussions and awareness of how the history of Barbados impacts today’s society. The historical society works alongside the students of theatre arts at Barbados Community College to prepare dramaturgical material that reflects the island’s colonial and indigenous histories. Find out more about the society here.

The work created by the students is collected in the gallery below. However, to learn more about the stories of Barbados, click here.